Because life is better when you are not alone... <3

Friday, November 8, 2013

New toy!

I got the new Samsung S4 today! And so far is great!! Im still playing with it :)

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

No pain, no gain!

Helllo!! I had a wonderful weekend, very much needed! I had worked the previous week from Saturday to Friday! My God! I was exhausted =( not to mention the two kiddos I have at home right? Gordo's niece and nephew are in town and we are the cool relatives so they want to spend all the time at home with us. Believe it or not they are draining me!! I am toooo tired!! 

On another note... I am sooo sore!! I have been going to this gym class that is offered at the neighborhood across from my house and it is serving its purpose!! I am sore on every inch of my body! Well, that was a tad dramatic. I am sore on my abs.. which means its working right? I'm doing something right. The class is three times a week, and even if I don't go to class I stole some pretty cool moves that I can do at home! :) 

Just a quick hello :) Gotta run to work!