Because life is better when you are not alone... <3

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

First post

So this is my very first blog, ever! Well actually I think I might have had one back when I was in high school but never really cared for it. This however, is something that I have all intentions of keeping up with! Mainly this blog is to describe my day to day in this new adventure I am starting. New chapter in my short life! I am 22 and about to move in with my boyfriend of 6 months! Yup! That's it, sounds like disaster waiting to happen. Although I am confident that it will all go just fine.
I will be posting about us, things we do, challenges we face in this odd country, and pretty much everything! I have an idea of what I imagine our life together to be... we are complete opposites! He is the calm one, the nice and understanding one. Me? I'm more of the crazy and selfish one! You'll see...

Just a brief first post! More tomorrow!