Today is Halloween! :) I have never been the biggest fan of this particular holiday.. but as you might have guessed it, Uruguay does not really celebrate it. So, it is at times like this, when there is no spirit at all, that I miss it. How true is the saying you never know what you have until you lose it!? Now that I don't have it, I want it!
I'm taking out my niece tonight even if she doesn't the real deal at least she will have an idea, and that is what matters most!
Gordo's niece and nephew are in town from the lovely, the wonderful ATL :) They're staying for about 10 days, and Gordo is just ecstatic about it! The kids are really nice; the girl is just adorable, I am in love with her! Well.. I am off to work! :)
Because life is better when you are not alone... <3
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Saturday, October 26, 2013
I sit here and think, think long and hard. I am here, this is my present. Many times reality hits me hard, and many other times I stay day dreaming. -_-
There is a container coming next month, my mom in law asked me if there was anything I wanted... anything... as if I could put my finger on one thing I want. I want it all... I want to be there, not here.
I had to put my big girl pants on and say no. I can't keep shopping in the states when there are so many things I need here...
I have to stop living here and there... because I'm neither here nor there with that state of mind.
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Slow Progress is progress
I am trying to not give up on my fitness just yet... I went to an informative session about being physically active. They told us that in order to be physically active one must have at minimum of 210 minutes moderate intensity aerobic activity a week. A minimum!! So that would be 30 minutes a day... taking that into consideration... I found an aerobics class :) Yesterday was my first day; I went with my neighbor. Having a partner for such activities make it easier, and helps you compromise to it, since you know you'll be letting someone down if you do not go to the class.
The class was really good! It was "old school", some of the exercises we were doing seemed like we were going back to basics! Nothing fancy, just steps, weights & abs along with your warm ups and cool downs. Lets just say.. it gets the job done!
I haven't weight myself in a few weeks, mainly because I know I haven't been on my best behavior lately... so I rather not get upset about it. Instead, I will wait until I have had a few good days, food & exercise wise. Is that cheating?
Based on this image I guess I am making progress!!!
Today is my Friday! Finally!! I am off to work!
Toodles! :)
The class was really good! It was "old school", some of the exercises we were doing seemed like we were going back to basics! Nothing fancy, just steps, weights & abs along with your warm ups and cool downs. Lets just say.. it gets the job done!

Based on this image I guess I am making progress!!!
Today is my Friday! Finally!! I am off to work!
Toodles! :)
Sunday, October 20, 2013
This girl is on Fire!
I have accomplished my goal! Woo-Hoo!! So the race was this weekend! I crossed the finish line like a champ :) No, I was not first, but I wasn't last either so that's a plus! I walked and ran it. I knew I wasn't going to be able to run the whole 5K but still... walking/running a whole 5K!!! that's a lot!
I can't lie... I am pretty freaking tired today, my legs are on fire but you know what they say... no pain no gain. I am pretty proud of myself for sticking to it! It was hard, but it was totally worth it. Now.. if only I could manage a way of making it a routine!
Toodles! :)
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That's me crossing the finish line! Can you see my happiness? |
Toodles! :)
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Change is the only constant
Sunday again... or I should better say My Monday is here again...
At what point do you look at your life and realize that you are not where you thought you would be? I am in a bit of rut I guess. This may sound silly.. but I look at Pinterest and the Pins I have added to my dream home board and can't help but think that I may not accomplish that.. ever! I look at my high school mates and see that they have graduated and are now engaged and/or pregnant and just freeze. I had a great life back in GA and everything made sense, I could see my future there and aspire to these things. To the house, the car, the wedding, the family! and here.. things are just so... ugh! IMPOSSIBLE! the government is so useless, they do not do anything!! Only help the poor by taking away from those that work, and as if that weren't enough there are robbers in every corner waiting for you to leave your house and take your stuff. I do not feel safe here. there, I've said it. I do not feel safe, I do not. I keep thinking someone is going to get in my house when I'm asleep, or while I'm at work. These criminals are unstoppable! They always get away with it, why? because of the government. The steal from you and kill you, do a year in jail, sometimes not even that, and then they are out in the streets again! Stealing and killing. You have kids with guns who have no consequences for their actions because they are under 18! It doesn't matter if they killed or not, if they are under age the government only speaks to their parents and hand them out a "warning". Believe it!!
It is a joke, seriously it is exhausting! to feel this way, about a place which should be your home! I know that right now the States are pretty messed up too... but at least there you call the police and they get to your home within 5 minutes... you can kiss that good bye here. The police officers are non existent, useless and incompetent. They rather not get involved, they do not help and protect. That is not their motto here.
Uruguay revolves around soccer, that is all anyone cares about here. After the soccer game against Ecuador on Friday the country can not stop talking about the loss. It is still on the cover of the papers, even though I can assure you there are far more important things going on here. We are a country full of small minded people, no pioneers, no real fighters, and that is why this country is never going to go anywhere; because there are no candidates to take it anywhere.
One may look up and research about this country, and see how our president tries to help out the poor, and provide health insurance for everybody, but what they do not read about on papers or on the internet is how we really live here. You are not going to see the truth, you won't read about the thousands of people that are robbed daily... because we, as a country, simply do not report it. It is a known truth, it doesn't shock anyone, it is depressing to keep reading the same things over and over again so that is why newspapers to print this, and news shows don't tell you this. They have been telling this story for years... and nothing has changed, so they keep telling you about our soccer team,and about our president... and they settle.
To me... it is all bullshit.
At what point do you look at your life and realize that you are not where you thought you would be? I am in a bit of rut I guess. This may sound silly.. but I look at Pinterest and the Pins I have added to my dream home board and can't help but think that I may not accomplish that.. ever! I look at my high school mates and see that they have graduated and are now engaged and/or pregnant and just freeze. I had a great life back in GA and everything made sense, I could see my future there and aspire to these things. To the house, the car, the wedding, the family! and here.. things are just so... ugh! IMPOSSIBLE! the government is so useless, they do not do anything!! Only help the poor by taking away from those that work, and as if that weren't enough there are robbers in every corner waiting for you to leave your house and take your stuff. I do not feel safe here. there, I've said it. I do not feel safe, I do not. I keep thinking someone is going to get in my house when I'm asleep, or while I'm at work. These criminals are unstoppable! They always get away with it, why? because of the government. The steal from you and kill you, do a year in jail, sometimes not even that, and then they are out in the streets again! Stealing and killing. You have kids with guns who have no consequences for their actions because they are under 18! It doesn't matter if they killed or not, if they are under age the government only speaks to their parents and hand them out a "warning". Believe it!!
It is a joke, seriously it is exhausting! to feel this way, about a place which should be your home! I know that right now the States are pretty messed up too... but at least there you call the police and they get to your home within 5 minutes... you can kiss that good bye here. The police officers are non existent, useless and incompetent. They rather not get involved, they do not help and protect. That is not their motto here.
Uruguay revolves around soccer, that is all anyone cares about here. After the soccer game against Ecuador on Friday the country can not stop talking about the loss. It is still on the cover of the papers, even though I can assure you there are far more important things going on here. We are a country full of small minded people, no pioneers, no real fighters, and that is why this country is never going to go anywhere; because there are no candidates to take it anywhere.
One may look up and research about this country, and see how our president tries to help out the poor, and provide health insurance for everybody, but what they do not read about on papers or on the internet is how we really live here. You are not going to see the truth, you won't read about the thousands of people that are robbed daily... because we, as a country, simply do not report it. It is a known truth, it doesn't shock anyone, it is depressing to keep reading the same things over and over again so that is why newspapers to print this, and news shows don't tell you this. They have been telling this story for years... and nothing has changed, so they keep telling you about our soccer team,and about our president... and they settle.
To me... it is all bullshit.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
I promise to never forget that this is once in a lifetime love
Today is one of those days where no matter what I eat or do I still feel fat =( I have a tomato and a hard boiled egg for lunch today and I still feel like that would be too much. I have not been eating too healthy this week, I have been baaaad!! I wonder if anyone else feels that way after they eat crappy food. That they need to have a total cleansing feast to go back to normal... I should do so next week. ummm... pondering on that!
This weekend I have to get some tests done to see how my 'condition" is going... I had a major nosebleed this morning.. could be due to my constant headaches of last week and some of this week. I will definitely mention that to my doctor, wonder if it is related to my Lupus... BTW: Uruguay is playing tomorrow! soccer fever baby! =D Hope we win! Such nice weather for sports!
You and I both...
I had an amazing afternoon yesterday! Even though my carpool was cancelled and I had to ride the bus, I got home to my amazing hubby who was waiting for me with everything cleaned and groceries done! He made me the most amazing fruit salad!!
He then made a delicious dinner, which was not as healthy as this fruit salad, but it was delicious either way! =) The weather is finally getting better here, which means... its time to head out and walk it all out!! The famous and expected race is next weekend and I feel I am no where near being ready! But it is the thought that counts right? At least I will participate =)
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Does this not look delish! |
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
There's good in goodbye
I am oh so totally loving Carrie Underwood's song Good in Goodbye... my favorite line... "As bad as it was, as bad as it hurt I thank God I didn't get what I thought that I deserved..."
Does anyone else ever feel like a song was written just for you, to fit your life story, or your current situation? I love that about music, it can relate to anyone. Lately I have been listening to very mellow music, Carrie Underwood, John Mayer and those of similar music style... it's very soothing..
This song totally made sense to me, I couldn't help but think about everything that has happened to me; getting deported and thinking that I was being taken away from the love of my life and that my life was ruined (yeah I was 20... so a bit over dramatic) but now, I am happier than I have ever been! I am in such a healthy relationship with a man that is so good to me, who takes care of me in every way, mentally, physically, emotionally; all around goodness. I seriously couldn't have asked for more.
I have been feeling pretty good lately, I think it has to do with the weather getting nicer! :) It just makes me happy. No more cold days and hopefully very few rainy days. We went out for a walk yesterday... I mean it is just too nice to stay indoors!
Work has been good lately as well, I have been keeping busy and time goes by faster. I have arranged a carpool for my new schedule so no need to ride the bus :D I am managing to get my work done along with the additional tasks my supervisor is assigning to me, I am more than welcome to any challenge! I just don't want to feel like I am not being valued, or that my skills are going to waste... that happened at my last job and that is why I ended up quitting. In November it will be a year of me working here... I honestly thought I would be further along and would understand everything clearly... sadly it is not that way. I talked about this with one of my close friends here and she told me to not worry that it was normal to feel that way, my supervisor has told me that too.
Now... I must get back to working duties! =)
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Just give me a reason
Happy Sunday to everyone! Here I am at work again, on a Sunday! -_- It has been a lovely day today, the sun is out brightening up my day! My daddy brought me to work today so that I wouldn't have to ride the bus :)
I had a magnificent weekend! me and Gordo went to the beach, no its not warm enough for beach yet, but we had this trip all paid and after the bike fiasco that was exactly what we needed. It was a bit cold and cloudy on Saturday but we managed to make the best of it. Eating ice cream and taking long walks on the beach... I mean LONG walks!
It is such a beautiful thing what we have, I mean I am the luckiest girl in the world!! I feel this man loves me more than anything and I can not wait to spend the rest of my life with him! :)
And it off I go to see my Gordo! <3
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Oh boy oh boy!
What a crappy week I have had! =( That is not the best conversation starter but it is the truth. I have had a headache since Monday! I believe I even mentioned it on my last post. Well, to add to that crap... on Monday they stole our bike, I don't mean a bicycle bike, I mean a motorcycle bike!!! Fucking pichis of this fucking country! wooooah I guess I let that out without hesitation lol. I was soooo upset, still am. I haven't even finished paying for this one yet :(
So now we are looking into buying a new one, I mean we have to! It is how we move around in this country without having to wait 45 minutes for a bus to come! We are debating on how we should buy it, I really don't want to take out another on credit, I mean it is annoying to think that you will have to spend all year paying for something that you had previously bought, it would be just a frustrating reminder every month. Gordo insists that his mom will help us with this, she promised she would; honestly I don't want to depend on anyone other than myself, well ourselves. It's just less messy that way.
On another note... one thing that calms me down is cooking, so yesterday I cooked. I made these delicious green enchiladas! Umm yummy! They turned out amazing!! I haven't eaten anything like that in a while! It was a good picker up for this crappy week. I got the recipe from Laura's Sweetspot page and it was amazing, so simple to follow the instructions and surprisingly most of the ingredients were available in Montevideo!! The only thing missing was the Monterey Jack Cheese, but I used another one to substitute. Lets be honest, anything cheesy is good! no matter what kind of cheese was used.
Gordo absolutely loved them, I swear there is nothing better than seeing his happy face when I cook something delicious! It makes all the efforts worth it. By the time he got home from work it was almost ready to be served! =)
Must get back to work now!
So now we are looking into buying a new one, I mean we have to! It is how we move around in this country without having to wait 45 minutes for a bus to come! We are debating on how we should buy it, I really don't want to take out another on credit, I mean it is annoying to think that you will have to spend all year paying for something that you had previously bought, it would be just a frustrating reminder every month. Gordo insists that his mom will help us with this, she promised she would; honestly I don't want to depend on anyone other than myself, well ourselves. It's just less messy that way.
yummy yummy! |
Gordo absolutely loved them, I swear there is nothing better than seeing his happy face when I cook something delicious! It makes all the efforts worth it. By the time he got home from work it was almost ready to be served! =)
Must get back to work now!
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