Good morning America! South America that is! :) It continues to rain here in Montevideo, which adds perfectly to this busy Monday at work. There are a lot of people calling sick today, and some with PTO, Vacations and days off, leaving only 5 people to do the job of 9, it's all good though. Wait... are you wondering what I'm doing blogging with all that work pending? Well, I am in charge of monitoring the Inbox, controlling the incoming work and making sure it gets worked based on priority and urgency!
I have had a headache for the past 3 hours!! =( have taken medicine twice already just hoping it will go away quick! It's really really bothering me.
Because life is better when you are not alone... <3
Monday, September 30, 2013
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Fairytale love
My weekends are my main reason to cheat on my eating healthy habits, but isn't that the case with most people? The good thing is that even on weekends, I drink PLENTY of water! I'm talking about around 2 liters a day! I really truly enjoy drinking it, when its cold and crispy umm... delish!

It's raining here in MVD again =( It seriously needs to stop, its killing my vibe! Just want to home and curl up in bed with my Gordo and Snowflake! <3
It's raining here in MVD again =( It seriously needs to stop, its killing my vibe! Just want to home and curl up in bed with my Gordo and Snowflake! <3
Friday, September 27, 2013
\\ Compare where you are and where you wanna be and you'll get nowhere //
Why do I insist on shopping online? Bad bad bad girl! I've been looking for some things for Sabrina, obviously in the states not here! I have been looking a lot lately at Burlington Coat Factory, things are ridiculously cheap! I have a cart with 12 things and don't even reach a $100USD!! Does anyone understand my frustration?? I can buy no more than 3 good things here for that amount. So, I'm shopping online and having my suegra bring it to me by the end of the year when she comes down to visit.
Moving on to the good news... I have lost 2 kilos!! that is roughly 4ish lbs! :) aren't we all just so proud of me!
Just brief post to share :)
Moving on to the good news... I have lost 2 kilos!! that is roughly 4ish lbs! :) aren't we all just so proud of me!
Just brief post to share :)
Thursday, September 26, 2013
I had the time of my life fighting dragons with you!
And it did! My work problem has been fixed!! and everything was great! What was my problem? They had given me the wrong schedule for the summer. I was schedule from 3:15 to 12:00 midnight by accident. I had to put my big girl pants and fight what was right, so now it was correct and it is from 8 - 5! such a difference right? anyone would have fought it. Of course everyone is now writing me off as the mean one, but I know I was right to do what I did.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Por las bueas soy buena, por las malas.... mala.
Isn't funny how fast your thoughts go through your head when you are mad? It always amazes me, I can think of a million different ways why my point of view is the right one, and why other is wrong. It is unbelievable isn't it??
I had a very stressful day yesterday, I am having some issues at work related to my seniority and my future shift. However, today I am much more calm. I had a wonderful afternoon with my Gordo which made all my troubles disappear! =) Isn't wonderful, how one person can turn your whole day around.
Talking about my work related issue it seems to be almost solved, my supervisor will be speaking to HR and clear up my questions/concerns.
What is new? The stressful day I had yesterday made my lupus kick my little ass! By the end of the working day my hands were shaking nonstop and today they are still a little stiff but getting better with time.
Diet & Exercise are so so. I haven't really been behaving so good lately with the exercise, I can come up with a million excuses LOL but none are acceptable! I have to get back on track! However, I am behaving with food! I am eating wheat noodles, no sodas, no cookies nor chocolates! No fried food either! Meats and veggies for the most part, and well wheat noodles with tomato sauce. Umm delish! and LOTS of water!! I'll get back on it with the exercise, I PROMISE!!
I had a very stressful day yesterday, I am having some issues at work related to my seniority and my future shift. However, today I am much more calm. I had a wonderful afternoon with my Gordo which made all my troubles disappear! =) Isn't wonderful, how one person can turn your whole day around.
Talking about my work related issue it seems to be almost solved, my supervisor will be speaking to HR and clear up my questions/concerns.
What is new? The stressful day I had yesterday made my lupus kick my little ass! By the end of the working day my hands were shaking nonstop and today they are still a little stiff but getting better with time.
Diet & Exercise are so so. I haven't really been behaving so good lately with the exercise, I can come up with a million excuses LOL but none are acceptable! I have to get back on track! However, I am behaving with food! I am eating wheat noodles, no sodas, no cookies nor chocolates! No fried food either! Meats and veggies for the most part, and well wheat noodles with tomato sauce. Umm delish! and LOTS of water!! I'll get back on it with the exercise, I PROMISE!!
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Who cares if you disagree...
Sunday morning... at work. Kill me now. I had a rough morning, I found out that my new schedule will be from Tuesday to Saturday from 3:15 PM to 12:00 MIDNIGHT!! Someone please just shoot me! I don't know how I am going to manage that, I am thinking of many ways to just skip over this... quit? umm... I am considering it. But since Gordo is now jobless I can't really take that action on this matter. Maybe call in sick? every day =( I don't know! I'm freaking out!!! Getting waaaay ahead of myself but I can't help it, I keep thinking what the hell am I going to do at home? I would have no time with my Gordo =( Blegh, what am I going to do?!!??!!??!
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Its so loud inside my head... with words that I should have said.
I have many things on my mind today... not really having a good attitude, it could be because my working week is one day longer, or it could be because I am pretty freaking tired of this country. I have previously mentioned how different things are here... Early in the morning as I was leaving to work I picked up our electricity bill... I was shocked to see that our amount due was almost $100 USD! I was furious! don't get me wrong, I have no problem paying bills as it is one of the many responsibilities that comes from being an adult. What kills me is that it makes absolutely no sense that we would have to pay that much, if you knew the size of my apartment you would understand. It is tiny, it has a total of 4 light bulbs, there is no AC, no heating, nothing fancy that would make the amount be so high. So you understand my mood... here we are paying almost $100 USD for an utility that, if you were to walk a block down the street you would see all these "hand made houses" stealing the light! What am I doing? apparently paying for the light that others steal.
What is our government doing? Absolutely nothing! Helping these leeches even more, having even higher deductibles on the paychecks of the working people, raising the taxes of water, electricity, gas, bus tickets, everything. What for? To attempt to fix the mess that this country is? Taking money from those that work hard to improve their way of life to help those that simply don't work, not because they are not able to, but because they choose not. I am all forward to helping those that are impaired, but not those that are lazy. I have worked since I was 15 and made myself the person that I am today, and I do not believe that we should help those that won't help themselves.
Sometimes I'm like the only person I feel safe to tell it to
I'm locked inside a cell in me, I know that there's a jail in you
Consider this your bailing out, so take a breath, inhale a few
My screams is finally getting free, my thoughts is finally yelling through
I sometimes think about my niece, she is an american citizen, and due to her mother being an illegal alien in the United States, she is now here. Living this life, having to ride in crowded buses and walking on muddy roads. Thankfully she is only 2 and is not aware of her surroundings as much, but what is going to happen when she is grown? I think about that all the time... and dream that we will be able to move back to the states...
People don't really understand me, they think that I am not a real Uruguayan for saying those things... but truth is I grew up in Atlanta, I have an american culture, an american lifestyle. To me Atlanta is my home... I am not home here. This is not where I want to be.
What is our government doing? Absolutely nothing! Helping these leeches even more, having even higher deductibles on the paychecks of the working people, raising the taxes of water, electricity, gas, bus tickets, everything. What for? To attempt to fix the mess that this country is? Taking money from those that work hard to improve their way of life to help those that simply don't work, not because they are not able to, but because they choose not. I am all forward to helping those that are impaired, but not those that are lazy. I have worked since I was 15 and made myself the person that I am today, and I do not believe that we should help those that won't help themselves.
Sometimes I'm like the only person I feel safe to tell it to
I'm locked inside a cell in me, I know that there's a jail in you
Consider this your bailing out, so take a breath, inhale a few
My screams is finally getting free, my thoughts is finally yelling through
I sometimes think about my niece, she is an american citizen, and due to her mother being an illegal alien in the United States, she is now here. Living this life, having to ride in crowded buses and walking on muddy roads. Thankfully she is only 2 and is not aware of her surroundings as much, but what is going to happen when she is grown? I think about that all the time... and dream that we will be able to move back to the states...
People don't really understand me, they think that I am not a real Uruguayan for saying those things... but truth is I grew up in Atlanta, I have an american culture, an american lifestyle. To me Atlanta is my home... I am not home here. This is not where I want to be.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Winter is back
Although we enjoyed the preview of what seems will be a very warm summer, I am sad to announce that our winter is not yet gone =( After 5 days of nonstop rain, the sun is finally back; and even though it is not warming up much, I will not complain.
Yesterday was my Suegra's birthday (Gordo's mom) and I sent her some flowers. Gordo told me yesterday in the morning that it was her birthday so I had to do same day delivery.. thank you very much for the late notice! Well, the thing is.. I bought her flowers without telling him that I would, you know... to surprise them all. I am a big fan of surprises :P . This is what you will not believe, when I showed him the picture of the flowers and told him that I had sent them... he started crying!!! I could not believe it! He was so emotional that he couldn't help but cry. LOL I know, it is mean that I laugh but it makes me chuckle! It's funny, such a girly thing to do!
Next topic... is anyone interested on how my mentoring is going??! well... it went great the first day...and... she didn't come on the second day LOL I hope it wasn't anything I did to make her feel she couldn't come to work!! I'm just kidding, we had a terrible storm yesterday and many people missed work, I guess that's what happened to her too. We had a meeting scheduled to discuss her needs and goals, gosh I sound so professional.
I finally got my Outlook updated to 2010! It is so great, and it's meant to help with my new role as I will start monitoring the inbox! Muahaha evil laugh!
On a brighter note... it has stopped raining which means it is time to start my running again! :D Super excited about that! I have been talking down on myself for eating not as healthy and not exercising. But these things go hand in hand, I feel that if I wasn't exercising there was no point in eating healthy... so I didn't. womp womp womp.
Well... that is it for today, I really need to get some work going! :)
Yesterday was my Suegra's birthday (Gordo's mom) and I sent her some flowers. Gordo told me yesterday in the morning that it was her birthday so I had to do same day delivery.. thank you very much for the late notice! Well, the thing is.. I bought her flowers without telling him that I would, you know... to surprise them all. I am a big fan of surprises :P . This is what you will not believe, when I showed him the picture of the flowers and told him that I had sent them... he started crying!!! I could not believe it! He was so emotional that he couldn't help but cry. LOL I know, it is mean that I laugh but it makes me chuckle! It's funny, such a girly thing to do!
Next topic... is anyone interested on how my mentoring is going??! well... it went great the first day...and... she didn't come on the second day LOL I hope it wasn't anything I did to make her feel she couldn't come to work!! I'm just kidding, we had a terrible storm yesterday and many people missed work, I guess that's what happened to her too. We had a meeting scheduled to discuss her needs and goals, gosh I sound so professional.
I finally got my Outlook updated to 2010! It is so great, and it's meant to help with my new role as I will start monitoring the inbox! Muahaha evil laugh!
On a brighter note... it has stopped raining which means it is time to start my running again! :D Super excited about that! I have been talking down on myself for eating not as healthy and not exercising. But these things go hand in hand, I feel that if I wasn't exercising there was no point in eating healthy... so I didn't. womp womp womp.
Well... that is it for today, I really need to get some work going! :)
Monday, September 16, 2013
womp womp
I am a bit disappointed on myself, I did not go out for a run yesterday. =( I know, I let myself down. However, I have an excuse, or two actually; Uruguay is an odd place to live. It is currently winter time here, Spring begins now on September 21st but lately we have been having warm days as it is to be expected. What is not expected is the weather to change from high 50's to the 90's!! that's right!!! believe it or not I was wearing shorts and a tank top yesterday and we had the fan out and everything. Although that is exciting, it hits me badly... my fibromyalgia and my lupus. Had I mentioned that before? yeah well, I was diagnosed with Lupus almost two years ago. I deal with it pretty well actually, the medication does it job right, but both of them can be affected by simple things, such as weather, or if there is any change my daily life, so if I am stressed lupus can be "triggered" and I can have an "episode" where I can't walk due to the swelling of my ankles (any every other joint). So, with that being said, the weather of almost 90 and humidity at 100% made it almost impossible for me to go out for a run in the afternoons as I used to. In addition, did you think I only one excuse? lol no, of course not. Uruguay played against Colombia for a spot in the upcoming World Cup in Brazil, and any Uruguayan can tell you... the country shuts down for a soccer game, of course I was one of the many watching the game and shouting at the goals. Which you must know... we won 2-0 :D
I have another confession to make... last night not only did I not go out for a run but I had a glass of beer, a glass of coke, and some chips!! Oh, the horror!!!! It's okay though, I'm trying to not be too harsh on myself, as I am back on track today :D One minor set back can not and will not change my goal!
On another note, I had a meeting at work yesterday where they told me I will be having a mentee with me starting Monday. I am a bit eager and nervous to start this new role, as I am fairly new myself. I do not want to fail, I want to be everything I wanted my mentor to be and wasn't. So at least I have a goal that I want to accomplish, and even if I don't know what to do, I know exactly what NOT do. I will give more details once I have them.
Before taking off, I just want to add a little note and send out my thoughts and prayers to all of those who lost someone on 9/11/01, this will never be forgotten. I cant help but get goosebumps thinking about it.
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never forgotten |
Rain Rain go AWAY!!
It has been raining since Thursday afternoon!! JEEZ!!! Needless to say I have not gone running since then, killing my vibe, ruining my routine. I cheated all weekend long, from french toast to pasta :O from sodas to wine, I am a total cheater! I must have gained at least 3 pounds this weekend!! What can I say... rain all weekend long... I was in total bliss with my Gordo. Cozy, warm, comfortable bliss <3
I didn't work on Sunday (luckily) I had a coworker switch with me, so this week I'll work from Monday - Friday and only have Saturday off, which is a pooper... but oh well... I had Sunday off which was very convenient considering the storm we had!
I could not fall asleep last night, I kept tossing and turning... I am paying the consequences now... CAN NOT KEEP MY EYES OPEN!!!! Well... it is Monday after all.
On another note, I start mentoring today!! :) Wish me luck! Off to work it is!
I didn't work on Sunday (luckily) I had a coworker switch with me, so this week I'll work from Monday - Friday and only have Saturday off, which is a pooper... but oh well... I had Sunday off which was very convenient considering the storm we had!
I could not fall asleep last night, I kept tossing and turning... I am paying the consequences now... CAN NOT KEEP MY EYES OPEN!!!! Well... it is Monday after all.
I'm pretty sure this is what I look like |
Thursday, September 12, 2013
No fame, no money I'm nobody... next stop Vegas please
I'm jamming to Sara Bareilles at work to keep awake! I ran 3.5 KM last night!!! (2 miles and some) Being honest it wasn't a complete run, I walked to but it was enough to make me a zombie today! I can barely stay awake!! It's totally worth it though. Although, I must say that I am bit upset to not be losing the weight I was expecting.. but I know that it takes time. So I will try to be patient, which is damn near impossible for me!!!
Thank God today is my Friday, I am exhausted!! My new work schedule is Sunday-Thursday, from 7:00 AM to 3:45 PM. Which is waaaay too early!! but at least I have my afternoons off, and I take naps :D
I'm off to some training! :)
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look at that progress! - shame its on Spanish sorry! |
Thank God today is my Friday, I am exhausted!! My new work schedule is Sunday-Thursday, from 7:00 AM to 3:45 PM. Which is waaaay too early!! but at least I have my afternoons off, and I take naps :D
I'm off to some training! :)
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Thanks, I work out
So, I have been going out for a walk/run every night for the past two days! lol yes I said two days. But yesterday was easier than the day before, and today will be better and easier than yesterday. Although I must say I am thinking of changing my route... considering a dog tried to bite me yesterday!! and had me running faster than ever! LOL
Oh, I also downloaded the Nike+ app for my Samsung S4 and it is a great motivator, it keeps track of how long my run took, the route and calories. So yeah, that's a plus when you are just starting.
On another note, it's starting to get warm down here! :) It's really humid today, but Uruguayans say that this is the normal transition from Winter to Spring, so fingers crossed I will no longer need to use sweaters, coats, scarves nor gloves, and of course as much as I love my UGGs I am looking forward to using sandals again!
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Ready... set... go!
How many times have I said I would start exercising? one too many, unfortunately. Well, I've said it again and hope this time lasts. I have Gordo as a running buddy now and that will make things easier... I hope! I have been dieting for weeks on and off, now we are finally seeing some warmer days here in the south hemisphere, which is always inspiration to get fit is it not? I got some new running shoes, I found a bargain! :D which believe me.... it is not an easy thing to do down here! I know I have failed with keeping up with this blog before, but I ready several places that it helps when you are starting to get fit, so I'm giving it a try.
So what else is new? Work is good, it is complicated... as it has been since day one! Whenever I find myself talking about my job I realize that nobody really understands what I do! :(
My love life is full of love and I could not be happier. I have found a really good man, who loves me without hesitation. We have been living together now for about 7 months and it has been great, with a few bums in the road of course, but amazing nevertheless. Gordo is unemployed once again, which does not mean he has been fired or quit; he works in construction and they have completed their latest assignment. They are now looking into remodeling the oldest Castle in Uruguay... yeah that's right.. a castle! :) so proud of my boo for going after what he wants.
Oh! How could I forget? I finally met my mother-in-law, or should I say monster-in-law? Just kidding, she was really sweet and nice to me. How could she not? I am making her only son happy! She came and stayed for a month! :O that's right a whole month... not at our apartment thank the Lord! Actually... it was Gordo who was really annoying... does that happened only to me? or is it common? I get it.. it had been almost two years since they didn't see each other, and a lot happened in that time, Gordo's dad passing away being one of those things. I understand there were many things to talk about and discuss, but that doesn't meant I want to share my boo!!
Well that's all for now!
XoXo! :)
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So what else is new? Work is good, it is complicated... as it has been since day one! Whenever I find myself talking about my job I realize that nobody really understands what I do! :(
My love life is full of love and I could not be happier. I have found a really good man, who loves me without hesitation. We have been living together now for about 7 months and it has been great, with a few bums in the road of course, but amazing nevertheless. Gordo is unemployed once again, which does not mean he has been fired or quit; he works in construction and they have completed their latest assignment. They are now looking into remodeling the oldest Castle in Uruguay... yeah that's right.. a castle! :) so proud of my boo for going after what he wants.
Oh! How could I forget? I finally met my mother-in-law, or should I say monster-in-law? Just kidding, she was really sweet and nice to me. How could she not? I am making her only son happy! She came and stayed for a month! :O that's right a whole month... not at our apartment thank the Lord! Actually... it was Gordo who was really annoying... does that happened only to me? or is it common? I get it.. it had been almost two years since they didn't see each other, and a lot happened in that time, Gordo's dad passing away being one of those things. I understand there were many things to talk about and discuss, but that doesn't meant I want to share my boo!!
Well that's all for now!
XoXo! :)
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Pookie bear! |
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